ONLYOFFICE and Nextcloud integration
Install ONLYOFFICE for NextCloud on same Ubuntu Server
This Article applies to installing OnlyOffice docs on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS along side of NextCloud 27.0.0 with NextCloud being served via Apache2
webserver with SSL on port 443 and OnlyOffice being hosted from Nginx webserver on non-standard port 81, plus Apache2 being configured to proxy the
OnlyOffice app from port 81 on Nginx to port 80 and 443 on Apache2.
After Update of Ubuntu and OnlyOffice Nginx Does Not Start
See: This Fix
In this article, NextCloud and OnlyOffice Server are running on the same Box to add functionality to NextCloud to edit Office docs, etc. If
ds-example service was removed for privacy, security and bandwidth purposes, then the "upgrade" might have configured JSON calls to the missing files
and causing Nginx not to start.
How to Remove DocumentServer Example Service from OnlyOffice Document Server Installation